Guidelines for Sponsorship Applications
Seeley International frequently receives requests for support and sponsorship from a wide variety of organisations. These can range from simple donation requests through to significant financial assistance in support of a major project, activity or event.
Seeley International views its contributions and sponsorships as long-term investments in its ongoing commitment to the community. Only proposals that are consistent with Seeley International’s business strategy, core values and brand will be considered for sponsorship. Our brand values can be found here.
What Seeley International looks for in a partnership
Seeley International places a high value on sponsorships that offer:
- An opportunity for a measurable response (eg coupon-based promotion or competition etc);
- In-kind support, rather than strictly cash sponsorship;
- Seeley International as the sole sponsor, or one of a select and compatible group of sponsors;
- A valuable strategic alliance for Seeley International;
- Coverage by print and/or electronic media;
- Defined media/publicity opportunities that can be used to promote specific Seeley International brands advocacy positions;
- A minimum daily attendance 20,000+ people at a major event.
What we don’t sponsor
- Proposals that do not reflect our core values and brand attributes
- Proposals that are incomplete or do not adequately explain the sponsorship benefits
- Programs that may present a hazard to the community
- School fetes and indirect fundraising activities
- Programs likely to denigrate, exclude or offend minority community groups
- Programs that promote alcohol and tobacco
- Political organisations or charities with political policies
- Programs, campaigns or events that do not reflect community standards
- Individuals who are looking for support or raising money
Submitting your sponsorship proposal
Seeley International receives a large number of proposals every week. In order to help prepare your proposal for consideration, please follow this simple four step process.
- Ensure your activity fits our guidelines and is aligned to our corporate values and brand attributes. It also should not be similar to any of our existing sponsorships.
- Review our website community page (above) for details on our current sponsorship activities.
- Ensure you provide us with at least an 8-week timeframe to consider your application.
- Complete and submit the form below: