Seeley International exhibiting at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE)
Milan (Italy) - 12-15 March
Discover cooling with water (not adding moisture)
Stand N62, Pavillion 11
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To learn more about our technologies
Discover the breakthrough in cooling technologies
Learn more about The Climate Wizard

Seeley International is exhibiting at Mostra Convegno

Milan (Italy), 12-15 March

Seeley International will showcase our hyper-efficient adiabatic cooling solutions at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort -MCE in Milan, from 12 to 15 March 2024.

Visit us at stand N62, Pavillion 11

Leading the company in the design and manufacture of Evaporative cooling technologies, Seeley International will showcase latest sustainable cooling innovations and premium brands including: Breezair, The Climate Wizard,  Coolair

Attend one of our Free Seminars

Tuesday 12 March

17.00 - 17.45

Evaporative cooling:

A new perspective on Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Conference and Business Area, Pavillion 18

Wednesday 13 March

10.00 - 10.30 am

Raffrescamento evaporativo indiretto:

M-cycle, principio di funzionamento, gamma di prodotti, vantaggi del sistema e configurazioni

Speakers: Silvano Rossi – General Manager Sales Italkero & Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9 

11.30 - 12.00

Evaporative cooling:

A new perspective on Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9 

12.00 - 12.30

Direct and M-cycle Indirect Evaporative cooling:

How it works

Speaker: Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9 

12.30 - 13.00

Types of Indirect Evaporative cooling

available in the market

Speaker: Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9 

15.00 - 15.30

Raffrescamento evaporativo diretto:

Principio di funzionamento, gamma prodotti e vantaggi del sistema

Speaker: Lorenzo del Tufo – Sales Manager Italkero 

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9 

AiCARR International COnference Seeley evaporative cooling

14.55 - 15.15

M-cycle Sub-Wet Bulb adiabatic cooling systems

an overview of the technology and possible applications for European Climates

Speaker: Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Gemini Room

16.30 - 17.00

M-cycle Indirect Evaporative cooling:

applications and hybrid configurations

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

 Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

17.00 - 17.45

Raffrescamento evaporativo diretto e indiretto

Principio di funzionamento, gamma di prodotti, vantaggi del sistema

Speakers: Silvano Rossi – General Manager Sales Italkero & Lorenzo Del Tufo – Sales Manager Italkero

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

Thursday 14 March

10.00 - 10.30 am

Raffrescamento evaporativo indiretto Climate Wizard

Dimensionamento, grafici di performance, applicazioni, case histories

Speakers: Silvano Rossi – General Manager Sales Italkero & Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

11.30 - 12.00

Evaporative cooling:

A new perspective on Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

12.00 - 12.30

Direct and M-cycle Indirect Evaporative cooling:

How it works

Speaker: Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

12.30 - 13.00

Types of Indirect Evaporative cooling

available in the market

Speaker: Luca Belli – Technical Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

13.00 - 13.30

M-cycle Indirect Evaporative cooling:

applications and hybrid configurations

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

15.00 - 15.30

Raffrescamento evaporativo diretto:

2,000 installazioni e oltre 10,000 unità installate in Italia, case histories

Speaker: Lorenzo Del Tufo – Sales Manager Italkero

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

17.00 - 17.45

Evaporative cooling:

A new perspective on Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Conference and Business Area, Pavillion 18

Friday 15 March

10.00 - 10.30 am

Raffrescamento evaporativo diretto e indiretto

Principio di funzionamento, gamma di prodotti, vantaggi del sistema

Speakers: Silvano Rossi – General Manager Sales Italkero & Lorenzo Del Tufo – Sales Manager Italkero

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

10.00 - 10.45

Evaporative cooling:

A new perspective on Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability

Speaker: Fabio Marioni – Sales Manager EMENA Seeley International

Conference and Business Area, Pavillion 18

11.00 - 11.30

Raffrescamento evaporativo in Zootecnia

Benessere in stalla, presentazione e risultati del raffrescamento all’interno della filiera zootecnica  

Speaker: Enrico Storti – CEO Ecofarm

Sala Gamma Pavillion 9

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