Ducted gas heating provides you with a cosy warmth and consists of a heating unit connected to a number of outlets by a system of ducts.
The position of the heating unit depends on your house and may be placed outside, under the floor or in the roof cavity. The outlets and ducts are then strategically placed throughout your home, either in the floor or ceiling.
Braemar natural ducted gas heating, provides you with the ultimate in safety, reliability and energy efficiency.
*Actual savings achieved will depend on the number of zones and controls installed, actual zone usage pattern, temperature settings, outside temperature, house size and room layout, house insulation, number of outlets, zone system design. Zoning savings are based on: · A range of assumed zone configurations, usage profiles and zone set-temperatures, with energy consumption reduced due to not heating the whole house all of the time. · Individual zone temperature control (a single MagIQtouch® controller in combination with air temperatures sensors, or multiple MagIQtouch® controllers).
Seeley International never stops striving to innovate and build the world’s most energy efficient ducted gas heating